Well, I thought I would give a little update. I am almost embarrassed to say it. I checked every bolt to make sure they were tight and they were. The only one I could never get to on the car was the top nut that holds the strut mount on the strut. When I assembled them when I used a socket it would just turn the whole shaft so I had to get a box wrench on the big nut and a small socket on the top of the shaft to get it tight. SO yesterday I picked up one of those pass thru sockets from Lowes (had to get 22mm) so I could get it on the big nut but still be able to keep the shaft from turning.
Last night I dropped that on, held it with a wrench, put the small socket on the top of the shaft and got it to turn just a touch, maybe 1/8 of a turn at most. Well, on the way to work this morning the ride was silent, no sounds at all. So I guess that nut had come loose just enough to let things hop around.
Thanks for the knowledge and advice.