**Proper Introduction**
With this site growing at a good rate, we would like to make a couple of things known about your "Introduction"...
1) Please tell us what part of town you reside in.
2) Please give us a brief discription of your car...Year, Mods, Future plans etc.
3) Most importantly, we want to know how you found out about us. If someone gave you a card, if you saw one of our members cars or whatever. Just like a business, we want to know where we could potentially spend a few more dollars for new members to find out about us. While word of mouth is the best way for new people to join, those cards and stickers aren't cheap.
We want to constantly strive to make this a better site and get to know all of you!
Thank you for your understanding,
Last edited by Dark Pony; 05-10-2013 at 07:26 AM.