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Old 11-17-2014, 04:34 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Grandpa View Post
It might be a year from release if there is any left. But not at first. I'm guessing it will be 55-60k plus a 10-20k ADM depending on the dealership. Add taxes and interest and that car is much more expensive than you think it is. Even IF you find a dealership doing no ADM, 60k plus taxes and interest is still very expensive for a 500hp car.

I mean, it's cool and all if you are a diehard Mustang or nothing guy. But if you are looking for the most performance for your dollar the GT350 isn't the most return for your money you can find.

But like everything, it's all hype. People want the latest and greatest thing. Before this it was the Hellcat, give it a few more months and the next thing will come along.

What matters is if you think the GT350 is worth it to you for that amount of money, go for it. To me, it's WAY too much money for a Mustang. If you get one, pencil me in for a race, can't wait to smoke one.
That whole "I aint paying that much for a Mustang" line has gotten old. They aren't the same machines as back in the day. They have become world class vehicles in certain aspects. My purchase will be within late 2016 early 2017. Everything will be on the market for at least a yr and that markup should be gone for most performance cars.
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