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Old 04-30-2014, 03:56 PM   #7
I have a small penis
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Making Steve my bitch since 2003
Age: 43
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About the racist old man, I find it funny that people are so worked up about this. I have been called more racist names by black people then you could imagine. I had a guy try to get 10 bucks worth of gas from me one day and because I didn't I was a racist piece of shit. Well that's what he said I was and then took off when my dumb ass started chasing him. Also how in the fuck is something that was illegally recorded in his own home being used to force him to sell his team and being banned from the sport. I can't wait to see what happens in court because this rich old fucker isn't going to give up easily.

Here is the real question. If this would have been a black player or owner talking about a white person would there be any suspension?
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