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Old 04-29-2014, 11:49 PM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2013
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Originally Posted by Dominic Toretto View Post
I agree with Brandon. The man should be allowed to be himself at the bare minimum in his fucking home. I man damn, does he need to put on a costume all day, he can't take it off at home!? I would love to be 100% Alex at all times of the day but, I can't go to work in sweat pants and be on spankwire all day, so I go home for that.

I don't follow sports but, I would think if the man had been an owner for this long, then he hasn't screwed up his job too much. His athletes majority, if not all Black, he has been paying, he's hired Black people. His job is a business and apparently he's done a good enough job to not let his being racist, effect his actual work performance. And in doing so, provided for Black people.

Now that he is banned from the NBA, I'm sure he will find something relaxing to do with his billions, so really he is OK no matter what. I don't agree that he should have been fired but, due to sponsors no longer providing money, I can see why he was banned. When you're the direct cause of money being lost from the company, especially in such great amounts... yeah you're probably going to get fired.

The only person that I have a problem with is the effing sideline that sent the phone conversation. Really ho? You're getting cut off from stuff you gained by being a ho and now you want retribution because, YOU were a slut and got cars, etc. But this is the world we live in.

Freedom of speech only exists if you assume that freedom has consequences. If you think you can say whatever you want at any given time, then that mistake is on you.

BTW for those that haven't met me, I am Black and I honestly don't care if Sterling is racist. I'm sure I work with racists, Black, White, Latino and otherwise but hell, if we can all come to work to make sure we all get paid go put on your cloak and hood in your spare time.

Very well put sir.
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