Thread: Tipping
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Old 02-10-2014, 04:41 PM   #12
Slow Five-O
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Originally Posted by 03MachMe View Post
The difference is the pay waiters receive from the restaurant basically all goes to taxes. So they only make what they make in tips. If they were to get paid a normal wage the price of your meals would jump way up. So when you don't tip the waiter makes NOTHING for serving you. At minimum you should tip 15% at sit down restaurants as that is the normal. I have had many friends work as waiters and know how hard it can be that is why I always tip around 20%, unless my service is far exceeding my expectations than I'll do 25-30.

I waited tables and bartended for 4 years at chili's a about 5 years ago. I made 2.13/hr and it all went to taxes. I could work 40 or more hours and always has a 0.00 paycheck.

I can't believe how many people don't know to tip. You were comparing it to your job, think about doing your job as your customers and place of business expects you to and you make nothing? It happens way too often.

There's no way i could go back to it. I don't know how i held my tongue before when i was younger.

If you go to the same place regularly, you better believe those servers remember you. Even if you just tip fair. If you tip great they'll remember and you'll get better service every time. No / poor tip they remember and you'll get served appropriately.

I will say working there was the time of my life! The friends were awesome everybody knows everybody at all the bars and restaurants and the women are awesome.

Watch the movie "waiting". It is exactly like that minus doing shit to people's food. The games in the back, the parties the everything is spot on.
82 5.0 - h/c/i & DR's
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