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Old 01-27-2014, 03:30 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by El_Tortuga View Post
Car sounds great.

I felt like it was confusing visually and the gates were narrower than most Auto-X. I was feeling sorry for myself until I saw the supercharged Viper (it has to be a beating getting that wide beast around in such a tight course). He sure released a lot of smoke from those tires. I watched one of the WRX's DNF all 4 AM runs, but they didn't see the 4th DNF.

Morning was a better drive for me, even though I got a little hooped by being in the very coldest session and 1st group. Yikes. I was dissapointed in myself for the PM session. Overdrove, missed on tire pressures, 3.73 gearing was too low, and I suspect my line was crap. You can't see it very well, but the concrete chews tires pretty good and if you get in the rubber dust you lose a LOT of grip. It feels like you are driving your ass off, but its not fast. I never could feel the flow in the second set, and it was over before I figured it out.

It was really great to get out and wheel the car a little bit. Sure turned out to be a BE-A-UTIFUL day. Rear swaybar and harness upgrades worked well.

Talked to a Camaro buddy that did the Driver's Edge event @ TWS this weekend and I'm pumped. We are both doing the PCA DE in February, but he'll be in a higher group than me.
Yeah, morning turned out to be better for me as well, but not by much. I think having my rear shocks set at full stiff was too much for my street tires, because it didn't take a lot for them to want to brake loose. Next time I'll try for 1-2 turns from full stiff and see how it works, maybe 1/2 turn on the front. I think the afternoon session was a little slower for our group because all the X and other R comp tire cars had run before us, throwing rubber all over the parking lot, not giving us any virgin concrete to grip on.

Originally Posted by El_Tortuga View Post
I should have let him keep fighting the swaybar when he was trying to set camber, but I would have felt bad for not helping an aggie, or any other dumb animals.
Haha. Poor Aggies.
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