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Old 12-02-2013, 12:24 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by five.slow View Post
Yea been in this shit hole too long. I know there are weirdos out there but I'm not going to be scared every time I walk out of my house. You are a LEO right? You know what a safe place looks like and what a non safe place looks like right? You won't go into a place that looks sketchy when you are off duty... I'd hope unless you really are nuts. When I have my iotv, Kevlar helmet, 210 rounds and a m4 il walk anywhere especially if I got a buddy equally equipped. Outside of that if it looks sketchy I stay the hell away even if cops are around. You are not nuts for trying to have the upper hand.
It's not always a sketchy place, or situational awareness that can be seen. Sometimes you can be going about your daily habits, in what you see and deem a place to be situationally safe, and out of the blue, shit hits the fans and you have a gun pointed at you or see someone else with one pointed at them.

To me, concealed carrying isn't only about protecting myself and my family/loved ones, but also having the ability to protect other people who can't protect themselves. If I can be the difference between someone innocent dying or staying alive, I will gladly carry at all times.
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