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Old 09-18-2013, 11:25 AM   #162
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Originally Posted by TrueStreetTim View Post
Think GTA 2 was the last time I had played the franchise. So my first few moments in the game went nothing as I expected. Thought I'd share.

I felt the first open-world opportunity came when it cut you lose as Franklin in his home. First thing....tried to beat up mom (didn't work). So I got high, drank a beer, beat up the neighbor, who apparently thought I was his friend. Hopped in that turd of a "Charger", groped a stripper and epicly failed a stunt jump that set my intentions on the airport from that height. Found out quickly they don't take kindly to trespassers so I highjacked a Learjet and found out (too late) that you can't reverse through cars. So I was stuck with nothing but my thoughts about the kind of person I had become to land me in that situation......for about 5 seconds before popping the door, dropping a couple cops before they dropped me. Looking forward to more!
I too went for the airport but I was successful and went on a nice flight. I will warn you there is a military base on the west side about half the way up the map and if you fly over it they will send f16s to blow your ass out of the sky. Luckily I got away and flew around for a little bit. Crashed it and stole a boat, I found where the white water rapids are and went down them in a speed boat. That was entertaining. I think the map is cool but I can already tell the free play is going to get boring after a while because the map is so big and I just don't see that much to do. I need to find a strategy guide so I can see where all the crap is so I don't get bored screwing around.
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