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Old 08-16-2013, 10:40 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by STROKD View Post
Hilarious. Its not only possible, they do it often if the owners have balls enough to do it. It was the second fastest car in the world in 1987 (before the 959 came out), and this one isn't 100 percent stock.

The speedo is off 1 mph at 100 to my gps and my gps radar. So at 200 mph I was going... 198 . Math calculator shows 198 as well based on tire size, gears, engine rpm etc. What's funny is the timing was all fucked up, the car is faster now than it was back then after the timing was set properly and the car was tuned up.

Don't be hating because you hate front engine Porsche's.
I see you are an official member now, I mean talking speed and calculators and all.

Even if it were remotely possible for that heap to do 190 after this many years, it would need about 10 miles of downhill clear highway to do it.

Front engine Porsche = gay like Perez Hilton in a dildo factory. No Carrera, no care.
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