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Old 05-13-2013, 04:34 PM   #12
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Default The OFFICAL call-out thread

Originally Posted by Steve View Post
Drop kick? You're a fuckin midget, you'd need a ladder to even think about attempting some shit like that. Stick to things you're capable of in a realm of possibility, like calculator racing and being a dyno expert with all your racing expertise.
I'm a midget? Hahaha. We are the same height, maybe an inch difference as most. The only thing you have on me is girth. And age.

What I don't get is all this spurred from me simply saying that your 416/412 STD dyno numbers were higher than I have ever seen for your mods. Then you try to compare those to mine that were done on a completely different dyno, on a different day, in a completely different fucking season in Texas. Call it calculator racing if you like. But it doesn't hurt to actually understand how to read dyno graphs and how it works if you want to tie those into your track results. Since you are so into research, figured you of all people would at least understand that part.

I'm sorry for you that speaking with logic and fact is beyond your cognitive capabilities. You must have hit your hard a few to many time on those MMA mats.
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