Thread: My rides
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Old 05-09-2013, 11:32 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Selcouth View Post
Thanks for the positive comments guys. Sounds like a few are interested in updates on the GTP as well. I will go ahead and update.

Why yes it was taken at the photo op on the cruise route you are familiar with. . Funny you mention about setting something up for this site. I was actually thinking about that the other day.

They have fixed the roads on that 2nd half( 10/15 miles of curves). It's actually really smooth now and the goat surprised me how well it handled the curves at high speed. As long as I was out of the gas coming out of them. There are a few potholes on the first half that need to be repaired but are avoidable if driven in the middle or in the other lane.

I'm game to set something up. Ill post a poll later today to see if we can get enough interest. One things for sure I'm taking the Goat, cause with the fox there's no way in hell I'm keeping up. Plus the GTO doesn't feel like it will rattle apart at triple digit speeds.
I made a thread awhile back on doing a cruise and there was a lot of interest in it. I got a lil sidetracked with my wife's rough pregnancy and now my brother being really sick. Plus, we had several members who had cars down so it seem like it was a good time to do it.

If you want to help co-organize it that's cool with me. I think we need to do it soon before it gets too hot. I have a route sheet still, but I'm sure you probably know the route really well by now.
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