Thread: New from NRH
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Old 03-29-2013, 02:21 PM   #6
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Default New from NRH

Originally Posted by BlueBolt View Post
Ill give you the north gate incident getting arrested but it was a misdemeanor. And the twitter thing ended this week (he's off for awhile). I know most of the incidents you're talking about. I went to A&M and have friends and family that still live in CS and go to A&M. I also follow College football pretty closely. Johnny is just being a college kid. Trust me mip's ad fake id's and shit talking on the Internet happen to college age kids. Hell the Internet shit talking happens on here. Lol just imagine if some of the guys on here were celebrities. Johnny will be aight.

And as far as him doing well after College. We will see. The NFL is starting to consider the dual threat qb more and more (rg3, kappernick, etc). Johnny's height is the only thing holding him back but he comes in at a legit 6'. His throwing is going to improve. He's working with Whitfield again this summer to help with that.
Gotcha, and I can completely understand. But he needs to realize that being in the limelight now has its pros and cons. He has to carry a little better imagine for kids that look up to him.

It probably wouldn't hurt him to add a little muscle mass in the next few years. It would not only improve his toughness, but may improve his passing strength and if he does it right, his running too.
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