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Old 01-21-2013, 11:13 AM   #6
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I've actually trained with a lot of police officers over the years. Surprisingly, a lot of them are quite cool when they aren't wearing their uniforms. When they aren't on the job, they are just like anyone else. There has been a few Garland officers who attend our school that are even cool guys and I didn't think that was possible with Garland who have a major reputation for being assholes! lol.

But there is always some guys who can't leave the persona at work and constantly walk around with a chip on their shoulders. I've actually come to understand why they are that way though. Cops are human like anyone else, they tend to get jaded the longer they are on the job. Could you imagine dealing with the lowlifes of society on a everyday basis? Being lied to all day long, insulted, death, drugs etc. I think that would wear on anyone over time.

I think the most common pain in the ass cops that we tend to deal with are the overzealous rookies who haven't been out there long who still believe in their cause and have something to prove to their co-workers. We've had a couple of rookies come through our doors and even the senior officers don't like dealing with them. lmao.
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